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Friday, August 6, 2010

Lifelock ... an opinion

Last month,I was invited by to participate in a Lifelock campaign(I am a "bzzagent"-which means I am offered products/services in exchange for my honest opinion).I was offered a whole year of Lifelock Identity Theft protection for a WHOLE year for FREE! While I do feel somewhat safer that I have a whole year of my identity being guarded(...I said "somewhat"...),I still don't get why, since the technology IS available, EVERY US citizen isn't guaranteed a safeguarded identity.I am an average citizen,and the current economy doesn't afford me the luxury of spending what we work very hard for on this service (Though, their infomercials w/Montel ARE compelling),and I have to say in all honesty that, even though I feel some level of "safeness",this is not something I would use my discretionary income on.NOT because I believe the services aren't "worth it", but because I loathe the mere principle that only people who can afford it in our society will have their identity safeguarded to the level that Lifelock offers.I recommend this service IF you can spare the cash (after feeding,clothing,and caring for your family in economy which is very unfriendly to the working class).I know some nay sayer might suggest, "Can you afford NOT to protect your identity?", and to that, I can only say, "Well,sir (or ma'am),after paying my housing/insurance/grocery/electric/water/housing costs,I really can't "afford" to protect my identity...".

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