The next generation of COVERGIRL… is you! Visit the MyCOVERGIRL tab to celebrate and let friends and this iconic beauty brand know just what it is that makes you an easy, breezy, beautiful COVERGIRL. As part of the fun, they’ll be offering samples, fun quizzes, sweet rewards, monthly and quarterly prizes and amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Go ahead, invite your friends to the party and rock your COVERGIRL all year long! They've been having LOTS of cool and cute activities and giveaways on the facebook page, so go on! CHECK IT OUT!
Haha wow so I don't need to go on America's Next Top Model to be easy, breezy, beautiful any more? I swear I can recite their adverts off by heart now. Thanks for the link!
I know! It still Amazes me how some of the Antm gals cAn flub that! It's such an iconic phrase!
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