Yes, I have received a free Redbox rental for this mission. But I use Redbox all the time anyway! Sure I have Fios on demand at my fingertips, but for some movies, why pay what they charge when I can get it for $1! Also, Redbox is hosting 12 Days of Deals & Prizes and offering daily prizes from December 13 thru December 24. Text FUN to 727272 for instant savings of 25 cents - $1 off of your movie and game rentals, as well as a chance to be entered to win a daily prize from Redbox. Each day, a random drawing will select a winner with top prizes from Sony, Wii, Barnes & Noble, Activision and more.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Redbox: Thx Redbox 4 my free video! Enter 4 ur chance to win daily prizes at Come on, it's SO easy! So many daily prizes offered! Even the lowest coupon for 25 cents off a $1 rental is pretty sweet! Movie night for 75 cents! Not too shabby! Have at it!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
ECOlunchbox Stainless Steel Lunch Tray
Here it is! Don't you love it! What a great alternative to plastic or paper plates.
Do you have a whippersnapper who hates having their food touch? If you do, you know it can get exasperating. Sure, there are plastic plates available for your toddlers and other young children to use, heck there are plastic ones out there for ALL of us to use. But it seems that every day, you are hearing of yet another chemical in the plastic is horrible for you and your child. Makes you feel like there is very little out there that is actually *SAFE* for your children and yourself to use. HELP!
From the ECOlunchboxes site:
"Say goodbye to plastic and paper plates! Plastic-free, lead-free, BPA-free, phthalate-free & waste-free. Perfect for any meal or snack, great for camping and picnics. Holds one main and two side dishes.
Will not retain stains, odors or residues. Is non leaching, unbreakable, and dishwasher safe. 100% high-quality, food-safe stainless steel. Independently tested lead free. Made in India."
I really like the idea of this stainless steel tray, and cannot WAIT to try it out! While Alexander is a human garbage disposal, Sedona is VERY particular about her food touching, and I am very interested in how this works. AND , the BIGGEST thing that has me excited, is the fact that it seems PERFECT for the holiday season, when they want a little bit of everything on the holiday buffets! Can't wait! I'm already guessing that I will need to purchase another one in addition to the one that will be sent to me to review.
I will also be giving one away in the near future, so you don't want to miss out on the opportunity :). More on that in a future post ;). If you DON'T want to miss out, there are some things you can do to show your desire to be in the running to win one of these:
1) Go HERE and "Like" the ECOlunchboxes Facebook page, and while you are there, look around at their posts and products--LOTS to see!
2) Go HERE and "Follow" the ECOlunchboxes Twitter feed. And while you're there, send them a mention of brand love!
3) Go HERE and "Like" this picture, comment that Shoestring Muse is talking about this tray, and share the pic of the tray on your own FB wall
4) Go HERE and like the NEW OFFICIAL ShoestringMuse Facebook page, post a comment on the wall, and share the page on your own facebook wall.
As I said before, I am SUPER excited to have the opportunity to not only try and review this product, but I am REALLY chomping at the bit to share one with one lucky winner! Details on how a winner for the next giveaway will be chosen will be posted on a future blog post, but (SPOILER ALERT!)-- Those who are 18 or over and choose to do all 4 steps and actually make meaningful comments and take the time to share the product and the site will STRONGLY be considered among the top contenders ;).
Stay Tuned!!
Do you have a whippersnapper who hates having their food touch? If you do, you know it can get exasperating. Sure, there are plastic plates available for your toddlers and other young children to use, heck there are plastic ones out there for ALL of us to use. But it seems that every day, you are hearing of yet another chemical in the plastic is horrible for you and your child. Makes you feel like there is very little out there that is actually *SAFE* for your children and yourself to use. HELP!
From the ECOlunchboxes site:
"Say goodbye to plastic and paper plates! Plastic-free, lead-free, BPA-free, phthalate-free & waste-free. Perfect for any meal or snack, great for camping and picnics. Holds one main and two side dishes.
Will not retain stains, odors or residues. Is non leaching, unbreakable, and dishwasher safe. 100% high-quality, food-safe stainless steel. Independently tested lead free. Made in India."
I really like the idea of this stainless steel tray, and cannot WAIT to try it out! While Alexander is a human garbage disposal, Sedona is VERY particular about her food touching, and I am very interested in how this works. AND , the BIGGEST thing that has me excited, is the fact that it seems PERFECT for the holiday season, when they want a little bit of everything on the holiday buffets! Can't wait! I'm already guessing that I will need to purchase another one in addition to the one that will be sent to me to review.
I will also be giving one away in the near future, so you don't want to miss out on the opportunity :). More on that in a future post ;). If you DON'T want to miss out, there are some things you can do to show your desire to be in the running to win one of these:
1) Go HERE and "Like" the ECOlunchboxes Facebook page, and while you are there, look around at their posts and products--LOTS to see!
2) Go HERE and "Follow" the ECOlunchboxes Twitter feed. And while you're there, send them a mention of brand love!
3) Go HERE and "Like" this picture, comment that Shoestring Muse is talking about this tray, and share the pic of the tray on your own FB wall
4) Go HERE and like the NEW OFFICIAL ShoestringMuse Facebook page, post a comment on the wall, and share the page on your own facebook wall.
As I said before, I am SUPER excited to have the opportunity to not only try and review this product, but I am REALLY chomping at the bit to share one with one lucky winner! Details on how a winner for the next giveaway will be chosen will be posted on a future blog post, but (SPOILER ALERT!)-- Those who are 18 or over and choose to do all 4 steps and actually make meaningful comments and take the time to share the product and the site will STRONGLY be considered among the top contenders ;).
Stay Tuned!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
NEW Dedicated Facebook Page For The Blog!
Finally did it! Now, onto adding fans to Page! Please share! Looking forward to sharing to a broader audience!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
"missy13d69" YOU ARE A WINNER!!!!!
Melisa Bartlett Dodrill
You, my dear, are a winner! And if Blogger wasn't being such an asshole tonight, there would have been a post sooner! SO....get me your information, girl, and I will forward it on to ECOlunchboxes so they can send you your Furoshiki Wrap and supercool SPORK!
Monday, November 7, 2011
FUROSHIKI ECOlunchwrap...and a SPORK--Review and GIVEAWAY!
I became a fan of ECOlunchboxes on Facebook all because of one of those sidebar ads you see along the right side of your home page. Just because their things looked cool! I fell in LOVE with this VERY unique alternative to a disposable bag for what I would be bringing along with me. SO--I sent an email to them to see if they would be willing to allow me to review one, and they were EXTREMELY happy to send me NOT ONLY a beautiful wrap to use and review, but also one of THESE nifty creatures!
A STAINLESS STEEL SPORK!!! Who knew these even existed! But they DO! I was thrilled! Why? DUDE----stainless steel spork! How cool is this!
But...I digress. Returning to the Furoshiki wrap ... Isn't it a lovely idea?!?!
I have been taking small steps to try to reduce my own carbon footprint on this planet, and also those from my family. Note I said "small". Nothing is ever an easy change, especially when we are living in a disposable society that thinks nothing of adding to the landfills. I'm trying. I really am, and I found that this wrap is very helpful to me me. I have used it to tote snacks for the kids, as well as a nice sized little lunch to take to the playground. What I like about it is that I can also use it as a little table cloth to put my items out on, and it's SO pretty! Best part of my experience was when my daughter told me she wouldn't "hate" using this to take HER lunch to school in HAHAHA.
I thought it would take me awhile to get the hang of wrapping it the right way, but NO...the instructions are right there, and it is EASY PEASY! I think my next purchase from them will be the Stainless Steel Solo Cube - it will be nice to have a stainless steel container for my goodies!
There is plenty of room for a sandwich and an apple, or a salad container. AND LET'S NOT FORGET THE SPORK!! It is SO small and cute! It took a couple bites to get used to because it doesn't have a handle, but I don't have to worry about hunting down whatever plasticware I normally would use, because this is good for both the salad AND the pudding cup, baby!
A word of caution, though--I HIGHLY recommend that if you pack a sandwich with anything like an apple, PUT IT IN A HARD CONTAINER...otherwise, it can get SMOOSHED. If it is packed with something like a pudding cup, or some chips or baby carrots, not so much. Especially if you keep your lunch/snack in a safe place until you get to use them!
Also, not insulated (OBVIOUSLY), so you either need to add in an ice pack (UNDER your food--NOT rocket science here..) if you need to have something kept cool, or put it in the fridge at work.
All in all, I have to give two thumbs up to the furoshiki wrap and the spork. The company is ALL about sustainability and PROMOTING sustainability. Maybe the lunch you packed from your homemade goodies is all from sustainable sources. What better way to carry that on then with sustainable packaging for your lunch??
Just look at this chart:
Eye opening....what the average consumer wastes in not only $$ but in packaging!
Do you want to reduce your own TRASH footprint? Would you like to own one of these SUPER pretty and sustainably sourced and made Furoshiki wraps?
WELL ... today is your LUCKY day, my friend! ONE lucky reader will be chosen at random to receive not only a Furoshiki wrap, but a STAINLESS STEEL SPORK as well! Here are the 4 things I need you to do:
(1)Go HERE and "LIKE" ECOlunchboxes on Facebook (and please post here what your facebook name is)
(2)Go HERE and post a great comment on the Furoshiki Wrap photo about the wrap and mentioning that The ShoestringMuse Blog sent you (AND REMEMBER--I ALSO NEED YOUR FACEBOOK NAME ON A COMMENT ON THIS POST)
(3)Follow ECOlunchboxes on Twitter and Follow ME on Twitter and then post a comment on THIS blog post with your twitter handle.
(4)Follow this blog with Google Friend Connect
The winner will be chosen randomly on TUESDAY, 11/8/11 at 6pm EST. I will be posting the winner's name shortly after that here on the blog and also HERE on my facebook page (so if you aren't my friend already, please send me a request so you can see the post!). The winner will have 24 hours to furnish me with their name and shipping information. Otherwise, an alternate winner will be chosen. This prize will actually be shipped directly to the winner from ECOlunchboxes.
Good luck!!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Seth Godin To The World -> GO Make Something Happen!

See, While reading THIS ARTICLE about a man in DIRE need of a bone marrow match I happened to see Seth Godin's name mentioned. What it said just solidified what I have long suspected now.... Seth Godin is the REAL FRIGGIN DEAL! One of his taglines is "GO Make Something Happen". And he TRU:LY lives it! IN addition to all the work he has done on and for The Domino Project , He has somehow found the time to make the MAGNANIMOUS gesture of offering up $10,000 of his OWN money towards the total dollar amount that friends of THIS GENTLEMAN are willing to shell out for the FIRST bone marrow match that happens....WHETHER OR NOT the matched person decides to donate!
Now, since it is ILLEGAL to purchase human organs, this reward was set up to motivate potential donors and hopefully find a match for This poor man who was recently diagnosed with Acute Leukemia.
In this world of increasing myopia, it is BEYOND AMAZING to me when I come across someone who not only TALKS THE TALK , but truly WALKS THE WALK of making things happen. Just when I feel like I have lost even more faith in the human condition, someone comes along to snatch me from the BRINK of becoming a complete and utter misanthrope.
THANK YOU, Seth Godin , for showing that you ARE WHAT YOU DO, AND DO WHAT YOU ARE!
I TRULY hope that a match is found, AND that the said match doesn't take the money and run. Because then, that would make that person a HUGE steaming pile of shit, a sick man even sicker, and turn me IRREVERSIBLY into a misanthrope! I don't want to be that....I hope that a match is found, and that everyone involved lives long and healthy lives.
FYI -- if you are interested in becoming a bone marrow donor, GO HERE -- all the information is right there.
Until next time...
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
MORE John Grisham Love-Didja know?
***I like the close up better ;)***
John Grisham's book, "The Confession" won the inaugural Harper Lee Prize For Legal Fiction , which was created to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the release of Harper Lee's book To Kill A Mockingbird .
"United States Attorney General Eric Holder helped initiate this award at a ceremony last September in Tuscaloosa, marking the 50th anniversary of the publication of To Kill A Mockingbird. Ms. Harper Lee, who attended The University of Alabama School of Law, approved of this award."
One can only imagine John Grisham's feelings of honor and joy at being chosen for this award that will be presented to him on September 22, 2011, not to mention the WONDERFUL knowledge of the fact that Ms. Harper Lee herself APPROVED of the award!
There is a quote that is attributed to Ms. Lee--when she was asked by her cousin why she never wrote another novel after To Kill A Mockingbird, she reportedly answered, "When you have a hit like that, you can't go anywhere but down." And you know what? I always was very divided on that--half of me WANTED more from her, but the other half gave me a whole different perspective on WHAT she wrote in that book and WHAT she addressed in that the time period it was written! I can NEVER read that novel (I have lost count of how many times I have read it), or see the play (once, I might add, which was put on in a High School production with the PERFECT Atticus Finch) without seeing and appreciating it even more.
I am SO very glad that Grisham continues to BRING IT! Every damn time!!!! And I am sure he could quite comfortably retire and live a financially worry free life. But why should a mind with SO many stories to tell do so? I am SO glad he keeps writing, and even gladder STILL that he sees that his star continues to rise! AND, you have to imagine HOW many writers in the Legal Thriller genre are (and WILL BE) influenced, just as his predecessors did for him (one of them being, the great Ms. Lee herself!).
SO SO SO many Bestsellers....SO many perfectly cast blockbusters based on his novels!!
So now, not only does he have the VERY FIRST Harper Lee Prize For American Fiction (well, not technically, as it has not been actually been presented yet, but that's only a technicality since his book WAS chosen as the winner of the award ;)), but he is NOW on the verge of giving us yet another "SURE TO BE BESTSELLER" with The Litigators ! Can't Wait! The pre order for the hardcover on Amazon will only be $15.98 plus shipping, but if you add in any of the other Grisham titles that offer free super saver shipping, you will have free shipping, and will likely receive your copy of The Litigators on or about the release date (Oct. 25th 2011).
OH! ALSO! As per his Facebook Page , "John Grisham is currently on three different New York Times Print Bestseller Lists! | You'll find THEODORE BOONE: The Abduction on the Children's Chapter Books List, THEODORE BOONE: Kid Lawyer on the Children's Paperback Books List, and THE CONFESSION in the #1 slot on the Mass-Market Fiction List! |"
**As you all well know by now, I am a bzzagent, and I am a part of a campaign to help promote the upcoming novel "The Litigators". These are my HONEST opinions expressed, as I am a SUPER HUGE John Grisham fan...not stalker like, but a huge fan, nonetheless. I hope you can see my passion for his works, and that I am BEYOND thrilled to spread buzz about someone whose writings I LOVE**
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Cerra Be Aware, Act, Reflect™

Cerra Be Aware, Act, Reflect™
SO very excited to be chosen by SheSpeaks to help with the grand unveiling of . SheSpeaks has teamed up with SC Johnson, A Family Company, to bring you premier access to . : The online destination that is an oasis for relaxation and rejuvenation - where you'll learn how to de-stress and balance your daily life.
TWITTER PARTY ALERT!!! There will be a
#SSCerra Twitter Party to help members
get acquainted! Please feel free to help
get the word out!
Mark Your Calendar:
When: October 5th @ 8pm EST
TweetGrid Dashboard: Coming soon! << will update closer to date!
In the meantime, check out the
Cerra™ Community and learn how to
use the tools to
Be Aware ~ Act ~ Reflect™
Cruelty Free Fireflies In A Jar! How DOPE is this?!?!?!
Fireflies in a jar, you say? Why yes....YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!! AND--cruelty free!
Those of us that remember saving the mayo jars and poking the holes in the lid will fondly remember falling asleep watching the intermittent glow of the captured fireflies. We didn't know that we were scaring them, and dooming them... we were just FASCINATED by the gentle flickering of their bodies.
All this technology in one little jar!
What better way to bring back that memory at ANY time of year than by using the technology of tiny LED's powered by rechargable solar batteries.
Best part?? NO GUILT from giving little bug concussions from shaking the jar to get them to do our bidding! You can set it glow until all the absorbed energy is used, or only to illuminate when it is shaken (just like with the mayo jars in days of yore!
I would think this would be astounding as a night light in any child's room, as well as an interesting addition to a table on the back porch in the summer--I wonder how many fireflies it would attract,, to you know, have conversations with?
**I am a Bzzagent...and am REALLY hoping to be chosen for an upcoming campaign for this product**
That being said, please don't hold it against me for adding the pic of the creepy dude holding the lantern ;).
Makes you want one, doesn't it?
The Domino Project-Zig Ziglar's "Pick Four"

In the few months since I have been chosen to participate in the Domino Project by Bzzagent (by now, you all know I am a very active agent with Bzzagent, and I receive each and every book in exchange for my honest opinion of the book and the project). I have to say, that as of now, THIS BOOK (Pick Four) has become my absolute favorite. You may ask, "What would Zig Ziglar, a pioneer in sales training, have to offer me". I , in fact, asked myself the same exact question. I am, after all, just a person. BUT...I am a person who knows that there are things about me and about my life that NEED changing, and, while I am SUPER at setting goals, I am absolutely HORRIBLE at seeing them completely through.
This book is a spiral bound book which is basically a week by week journal which not only lays out my desired goals (it asks me to choose 4 goals that I feel are attainable), but actually asks me every day what I did to get closer to my goals.
I own one of the books-each book covers a 12 week time period. I found that on Amazon , you can purchase the book in a 4 pack (which only seems logical, because the total amount of books can take you through almost a year of change that you can not only document but SEE as you re-read your entries).
Still don't know if I will end up ordering the 4 pack, but I can tell you that by having something here , right in front of me, being non-judgemental and totally absorbing my thought processes about the things I WANT to change about myself, I KNOW that I am more likely than not to attain at least one of my goals.
Change is most definitely a process, and sometimes, a mindblowing one at that. And the LAST thing a person needs is outside roadblocks, when the HARDEST roadblocks to overcome are ALL internal. This book REALLY helps to not only explain that , but to help you take ownership of your life and your decisions.
At any rate, I can do nothing but highly recommend this particular Domino Project book, because it has become a much needed tool for me. It's less of a journal and more of a peak into my decision making processes. Hoping that someone finds this as helpful as I HAVE :)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Jono,this is D.O.P.E-Because I am shamelessly using Chuck Norris to blog about the Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender-200W
CHUCK NORRIS WOULDN'T USE A Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender-200W -- he would just LOOK at that food and it would blend itself!
BUT....let's just say for craps and giggles that he would.
IF he did, surely he would choose the Cuisinart Smart Stick . Why? (A) because it's SMART (like Chuck Norris...YOU going to DISAGREE????) and (B) it's a stick that can PULVERIZE (NOT unlike the hands of Chuck Norris!). So you see how the Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender-200W would be a great choice for your kitchen.
Let's see what "they" say about it:
Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender - 200W
The versatile stick design of the Cuisinart Smart stick Hand Blender lets users blend ingredients right in pots, pitchers, bowls, or clear plastic beaker that's included. A powerful 200-watt motor operates with an easy one-touch control. Blends drinks, purees soup, mixes pancake and crepe batters in seconds! Both stainless steel blending shaft and beaker are dishwasher-safe. Perfect for making all of your delicious fall recipes!
ooooh What would I make, seeing as I don't have the weapon that is Chuck Norris's body and hands?!?!?!?!?!?!
Or what about a sticking that Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender into a mixture of tomatillos, cilantro, poblano pepper, serrano pepper, and a hint of lime to make a beautiful Salsa Verde for your next party!? MMMM
Or hey! What about just wowing your friends and faking
your culinary expertise by making the world's easiest gazpacho recipe!
You could even get all FANCY and serve said gazpacho as SHOTS in these cute little cucumber cups!
OR OR OR!!!! Best of all!!!
Which, I might add, is not only nutritionally more sound than the crap that you buy on the shelves, BUT, INFINITELY more tasty! Not to mention more economical! AND--no recalled babyfood to deal with!!! Infants and toddlers have THOUSANDS more taste buds than we do, and LOVE to taste "real" food. I used a blender, and later a magic bullet, but the Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender would not only mean less mess, but making more use of those leftovers!
Whatever you do with your Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender , I would SURE would love to see it! Share in the comments things that you have used your immersion blender for--I would LOVE ideas!
**If you are hedging on whether the Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender would fit your needs, just ask yourself---WWCND???**
Just going to leave you with another gratuitous picture of Chuck Norris...because Chuck Norris hasn't told me not to ;).
Friday, September 9, 2011
Hey Jono, Wolverine is DOPE, and he LOVES Blender Bottles!
(PARDON THE GRATUITOUS USE OF MAN CANDY, but as you see, he uses a Blender Bottle!)
The patented BlenderBottle by Sundesa is a great way to mix protein and meal replacement drinks while on the go, but it's also handy for mixing pancake batter while camping, mixing salad dressings and marinades, or just using as a water bottle. The BlenderBottle is the best-selling portable mixer simply because it works. No batteries, no cord, no hassle. Mix It Smooth--Anytime, Anywhere.
What a cool idea! I like the little mixing ball up in there. I think it would be PERFECT not only for a quick yogurt drink, but for Mama's occasional celebratory vodka concoction when the kids go to bed -- looks like the PERFECT cocktail shaker too!
Plenty of recipes are available on their site (mmmm orange Dream Shake!)
Not to mention, all the super cool slings available!
Who can argue with Vanessa Hudgens , Scarlett Johansson , or Dwanyne "The Rock" Johnson ? I mean, sure, if you WANT to argue with The Rock, be my guest, it's your funeral ;).
By the way...reported main cupcake of Chelsea Handler -- 50 Cent -- is a fan too (if Fitty uses it you KNOW it's cool!). I could go on and on about how Jessica Biel and The Bieber LOVE their bottles, but I would think that just knowing that Hugh Jackman uses it, WE ALL should be wanting it! I mean, come on.....
And so I leave you with yet another shot of Hugh Jackman ... Just because I can, and because he is a fan of The Blender Bottle .
I would buy anything this man loves!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
John Grisham-Thriller King!
JOHN, JOHN, HE'S OUR MAN, IF HE CAN'T WRITE IT NO ONE CAN!!! You can ind out MORE about John Grisham HERE , but in the MEAN TIME............Settle for THIS!
I love love LOVE a good story!!! But nothing ruins a good story like an absolutely ABYSMAL storyteller/psuedoauthor/public speaker . Which is why I am SO glad that there are STILL amazing writers that exist that can REALLY captivate an audience with both their work AND their voice! It's already been WELL established that I am a HUGE John Grisham fan (AND I am a bzzagent!), and let me tell you, it's NOT just for his written word! There is just something about his speaking voice that is just EXTREMELY engaging. Have you heard of his Ford Country Stories? I HIGHLY suggest reading the short stories, but this Youtube Playlist shows John Grisham REALLY gives intimate insights into his storytelling-his novels and more importantly, his process of gathering his short stories. I love hearing WONDERFUL authors talking about their works and their creative process, and with John Grisham, it doesn't exactly hurt that he has this AHmazing southern drawl that just makes you feel like you are sunk into an easy chair when listening to him talk.
John Grisham's first novel, A TIME TO KILL, went virtually unnoticed, in fact he resorted to selling the copies himself out of the back of his car. The book that made his career was THE FIRM, which became one of the bestselling novels of 1991. The movie rights were acquired by Paramount before the book was published.
The Firm
Published in 1991, The Firm is Grisham's first widely recognized book. It tells the story of Harvard Law School graduate Mitch McDeere and his dark experience at the Bendini, Lambert & Locke law firm in Memphis. Fresh out of school, he's drawn to The Firm's promise of financial security. But soon enough he learns it's part of the white collar operations of a Chicago crime family, and that each time an employee tries to leave The Firm, he's killed. So, will McDeere become the first lawyer to escape alive? Learn more HERE . REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that the TV series based on the book really takes off! <<<<-----SUPER excited about that!
You can find John Grisham HERE on Facebook too! You should click through and stop by to share your adoration (I'm sure he would appreciate it!)
**I am a bzzagent**- and a PROUD fan of who I consider to be one of the TOP 5 storytellers of this generation!**

The DOPEST Kindle 3 Post EVER!
COVETING the Kindle 3!! Just look at it! You know what I love? I love the idea of THIS
NOT happening to a book I spend Bruce's hard earned money on. No more pages ruined by whatever carnage a 3 yo and a 5 yo can do. I LOVE that your kindle purchases are saved and can be reloaded at any time!
The Kindle 3 is ingeniously designed to be everything the iPad will never be: small, light and inexpensive… Now, the Kindle is almost ridiculously lightweight; at 8.5 ounces, it’s a third the weight of the iPad. A THIRD OF THE WEIGHT!!!!!
And with a wi-fi connection you’re just seconds away from close to a million books. It’s like having access to an entire library from the comforts of your couch. So what book are you going to read?
I think my FIRST book will be the very first book in the OUTLANDER series by Dianna Gabaldon--daughter WANTS me to read the series! The next one will most DEFINITELY be The Litigators by John Grisham (CHOMPING AT THE BIT FOR THAT ONE!!!!).
I know that there are people that have resisted the call of e-readers. I used to be one of them. But I am totally a convert now. ANYTHING that preserves the written word and makes it EASIER for books and periodicals to be available to the masses has my vote, and should have yours too! They have REALLY come down in price, and, if you compare what you would normally spend on a hardcover new release to what you spend on Kindle, it pays for itself in VERY short order (ESPECIALLY if you are an avid reader!). BONUS!!!---Many libraries are now set up with e-book lending programs!!!! Possibilities are ENDLESS! OHH!!!! And don't get me started on the games that are available.
NOT happening to a book I spend Bruce's hard earned money on. No more pages ruined by whatever carnage a 3 yo and a 5 yo can do. I LOVE that your kindle purchases are saved and can be reloaded at any time!
The Kindle 3 is ingeniously designed to be everything the iPad will never be: small, light and inexpensive… Now, the Kindle is almost ridiculously lightweight; at 8.5 ounces, it’s a third the weight of the iPad. A THIRD OF THE WEIGHT!!!!!
And with a wi-fi connection you’re just seconds away from close to a million books. It’s like having access to an entire library from the comforts of your couch. So what book are you going to read?
I think my FIRST book will be the very first book in the OUTLANDER series by Dianna Gabaldon--daughter WANTS me to read the series! The next one will most DEFINITELY be The Litigators by John Grisham (CHOMPING AT THE BIT FOR THAT ONE!!!!).
I know that there are people that have resisted the call of e-readers. I used to be one of them. But I am totally a convert now. ANYTHING that preserves the written word and makes it EASIER for books and periodicals to be available to the masses has my vote, and should have yours too! They have REALLY come down in price, and, if you compare what you would normally spend on a hardcover new release to what you spend on Kindle, it pays for itself in VERY short order (ESPECIALLY if you are an avid reader!). BONUS!!!---Many libraries are now set up with e-book lending programs!!!! Possibilities are ENDLESS! OHH!!!! And don't get me started on the games that are available.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Hunt Is Over!
Just HAD to share my recent WONDERFUL customer service experience! Alex's has a water bottle, which is an Orange Camelbak Better Bottle (.75 liter)
This bottle gets filled 2-3 times a day with either plain water, or water with a hint of either juice or lemon. Well, the bite valve was showing the wear of him BITING on it. I really didn't feel like shelling out another $15 for a water bottle, but WOULD have if I hadn't found replacement valves. I looked EVERYWHERE around here, and NOBODY that sells the Camelbak brand had the replacement valves. FRUSTRATING! It's an awesome bottle, VERY durable (it takes WHATEVER this rough and tumble 5 yo boy can dish out, and TRUST me....that's saying ALOT!).
So, since nobody around here had the valves, I started searching online. Of course, Amazon had them, and several other sites, but for $10 and up PLUS shipping. THEN, I stumbled upon Heart Rate Monitors USA . Not only are their prices competitive, they offer FREE SHIPPING! And, since it was in PA, I got it FAST! I actually received the package of bite valves (in an array of colors, I might add) on the same day I received the shipping info! KUDOS! He needs another smaller bottle for snack time at at school this year (water fountains...EEK!!!), so I will DEFINITELY be a repeat customer! Thank you again, Heart Rate Monitors USA for not only offering competitive prices but for the free shipping! Alexander LOVED putting the blue bite valve on his orange bottle!
***>>>I was not compensated in any way for this endorsement of such a great site! All I received was my valves in a timely manner with FREE SHIPPING!<<***
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